Delicately remove all traces of make-up and surface impurities with our sumptuous Foam Cleanser. The water-activated mousse purifies and soothes, leaving skin refreshed and smoothed.
A refreshing way to start your skincare ritual. Follow with the La Prairie toner, serum and moisturiser of your choice.
柔和泡沫潔面膏 125ml
- 遇水即轉化成柔軟綿密的泡沫
- 去除妝容及污垢,而不會令肌膚乾燥
- 具鎮靜及舒緩功效,讓肌膚倍感清新
潔面是護膚步驟的第一步。接著使用 La Prairie 爽膚水、精華和面霜。
La Prairie Foam Cleanser Nettoyant Mousse 莱珀妮柔和泡沫潔面膏 125ml